Can´t find the solution to your problem here? Just contact our support team


Can´t find the download link 

You should receive the download link in an email after creating a subscription in our site. If you checked your spam and still can´t find it, contact our support team

Where is my Authentication Code?

We will send the authentication code in the Welcome email after creating a subscription in our site, along with the download link. 

Can´t install the software

If you are having trouble installing our software, just follow this link to a more detailed guide on the installation (ou) just check our manual for a more detailed guide on the installation. 

Is there a Windows version?

Mind Shoedesign is already available to Windows and to Mac OS.

Where do I check/manage my subscription/s ?

Through our billing portal you will have access to your personal space to manage and check your subscriptions as well as change or add any personal information. 

Where do I activate my account?

You will only need to enter the authentication code when opening the Mind ShoeDesign software for the first time. If you have a valid subscription the key will be verified, and you will be logged in. 

Will I be charged after the trial?

No. When creating a trial account, after the 30-day period you can simply forget it ever happened. 

Need more help?

If you have run into problems using Mind ShoeDesign, we are confident that you will find answers in the sections above. However, if that´s not the case, just contact our friendly support team directly here.